Regular Visits
Meeting place: Rua Dórdio Gomes, near Café da Cooperativa
Sáb 15:00, Arq. Manuel Correia Fernandes, Arq. André Fernandes e Arq. Vítor Bastos
Maximum 10 people per visit
No reservation required; first-come, first-served
No wheelchair access
Photography allowed
Designed and built during the course of 30 years, this group of cooperative housing blocks is an urban area of considerable dimensions. The urban quality of the complex is reinforced by the chromatic differences of the bricks that were used and the design of the buildings. With different types of accesses, the dwellings are arranged spatially in an unusual manner for this kind of housing – the majority are articulated in half-storeys and duplexes. Apart from the apartments, please notice the quality of the public space: the avenue, the sidewalk and the garden.
Rua de Dórdio Gomes
13Directions: Google Maps / Apple Maps
Public Transport
Bus: STCP 202 , 504